antitrust and competition

Antitrust, Regulation and the “Chicago School”

Antitrust authorities, no less than regulatory authorities, are vulnerable to capture by the collective interests of groups having the most salient stakes in antitrust...

“We Are Arrogant – We hold On to Our Old Beliefs on the Gains of Trade”: ProMarket Interviews Bernard Yeung, Part 3

The third and final part of ProMarket's interview with Bernard Yeung, Dean of the National University of Singapore’s business school and one of the...

“In a System with Dominance, There is Built-In Resistance to Change”: ProMarket Interviews Bernard Yeung, Part 2

In the second part of his interview with ProMarket, Bernard Yeung—one of the economists who laid the foundations of scientific research on economic power...

How Pro-Competition Rules Can Benefit Consumers: A Look at the Wireless Industry

A new Stigler Center working paper examines the political factors that shape competition in the wireless sector around the world and finds that pro-competition rules...

Donald Trump’s Economic Policies: Pro-Business, Not Pro-Market

Trump is eliminating lobbyists by putting them in charge of all departments. After his election,((This post was originally published in Il Sole 24 Ore.)) it was...

Monopsony Takes Center Stage

Bringing the powerful weapons the federal competition authorities have to bear on the problem of monopsony would be a substantial, but necessary departure from recent...

Do Mergers Benefit or Harm the Economy? Q&A with Bruce Blonigen

A new paper finds that mergers allow firms to raise prices, but finds no evidence that they improve productivity or efficiency. Do large mergers benefit or harm consumers? Over...

The Anti-Competitive Effects of Common Ownership: Q&A with Martin Schmalz

Martin Schmalz, assistant professor of business administration and finance at the University of Michigan, speaks about the anti-competitive effects of common ownership, a situation in...

Incomplete Contracts and the U.S. Economy: Q&A with Nobel Laureate Oliver Hart

Oliver Hart, the recipient of this year’s Nobel Prize in economics, sits down for a special interview with ProMarket in which he discusses his...

When Did Americans Stop Being Antimonopoly? Q&A with Richard R. John

Columbia professor Richard R. John explains the history of U.S. monopolies and why antimonopoly should not be conflated with antitrust. For more than two centuries,...