antitrust and competition

Is There a Crisis in the Economic Theory of the Firm? Participants at Harvard Business School Conference Agree: Firms Try to Change the Rules...

A novel conference at Harvard Business School brought together top scholars in order to answer the question: Is Milton Friedman’s dictum that firms that...

“What We Have is Capture of the Regulators’ Minds, A Much More Sophisticated Form of Capture Than Putting Money in Their Pockets”

Barry C. Lynn, author and director of New America’s Open Markets program, explains how every major industry and marketplace in America came to be controlled...

Millennials Believe in Free Markets and Want a Scandinavian Welfare State

Millennials may view socialism more favorably than their parents, but their definition of socialism is very different than that of previous generations.  Millennials may view...

“There Is Regulatory Capture, But It Is By No Means Complete”

Kenneth J. Arrow, one of the most influential economists of the 20th century, reflects on the benefits of a single payer health care system,...

The True Price of Reduced Competition in Health Care: Hospital Monopolies Drastically Drive Up Prices

New study reveals the potential damage of the merger frenzy that has accelerated in recent years. Since the Affordable Care Act was signed into law,...