The Equitable Economy

The Non-Performing Assets of Wells Fargo

The entire board of Wells Fargo, not just the CEO, needs to be replaced. In 1992, shareholder activist Bob Monks purchased a full-page ad in...

What Differentiates White-Collar Criminals From Other Executives? A Q&A With Eugene Soltes

Video: Harvard Business School professor Eugene Soltes discusses his new book and explains why he considers white-collar crime to be a failure of intuition, not reasoning. What drives...

The Power of Convictions

Oliver Hart and Bengt Holmstrom, winners of this year's Nobel Prize in Economics, created a new area of economic inquiry. They also had a profound...

Corporate Culture in Investment Banking: An Inside Look

A former investment banker examines the culture that incentivizes people in the industry to put their interests before their clients’. Part three in a...

How Rich are the Parents of Your Money Manager, and What Does it Tell You About his Alpha?

In the last few decades, numerous studies in financial literature have been devoted to the question of “alpha”—that is, the ability of money managers...

Market Power and Inequality: How Big Should Antitrust’s Role Be in Reducing Inequality?

Is the rise of wealth inequality in the United States related to a decline in competition? A new paper answers in the affirmative. Is the...

Is More Antitrust the Answer to Rising Wealth Inequality?

University of Michigan professor Daniel Crane: “The story that somehow antitrust law is dead, that it’s been killed, is wrong. It hasn’t. It’s very...

Why Firms’ Shareholders Condone Seemingly “Excessive” Executive Pay Packages, and What it Means For the Economy

If the large mutual funds are out to improve governance, why do they condone, if not encourage, seemingly excessive and performance-insensitive compensation packages? A new...

Keynesian Winner-Lose-All Economics

When calm, reasoned arguments, logical deductions, evidence and the like are not able to block Keynesian utility traps, ridicule might do the job. Professional sports, like...

The Surprising Failure Of Food Labeling

If lawmakers want to improve the dietary choices of Americans, the first thing they need to recognize is that the problem is not information. (Note:...

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