Culture & Society

America’s Broken Health Care System Is the Biggest Obstacle to Containing the Coronavirus

Over the past few weeks, it has become abundantly clear that the US health care system is uniquely ill-equipped to deal with a crisis...

Please, Don’t Use Taxpayer Money to Bail Out Investors Like Me

When we invested in stocks and bonds, we knew we might have to face a storm or two. The high returns we received on...

Economics, Law and Finance Professors from Major Universities Write to Congress : “Bail Out People Before Large Corporations”

"Bailouts allow investors to keep all the profits in good times without bearing the losses in bad times. Instead, bailouts impose losses on taxpayers, including those...

The Covid-19 Bailout That Big Business Is Lobbying for Could Make America Unrecognizable

Supporting industries is necessary to mitigate the economic impact of the pandemic. But using the coronavirus as an excuse, Boeing and other companies are...

Stick, Carrot, and Evergreen Loans: A Policy Proposal to Save Small and Medium-Sized Firms

Restaurant owners, retailers, and the like employ more than 50 percent of the US workforce, yet neither have cash buffers nor access to Federal Reserve support. In...

How to Interpret Financial Market Movements to Predict the Impact of Coronavirus on GDP

Equity markets in the EU and US dropped by as much as 30 percent, which means that investors have revised downward their estimate of...

Bethany McLean’s Weekend Reading List: Warnings Unheeded, Stock Selling, and the Chinese Cover-Up

Corruption, lobbying, corporate malfeasance, and frauds: a weekly unconventional selection of must-read articles by investigative journalist Bethany McLean.      I had an utterly irrational sliver of...

How Covid-19 Infected Global Financial Markets: a Webinar

Princeton Professor Markus Brunnermeier and Torsten Slok, Chief Economist for Deutsche Bank Securities, discuss what happened during Wall Street's worst week since the 2008...

Virus-Enhanced Market Power: American Small Businesses Are Kept Hostages by Amazon

Amazon announced restrictions on the type of merchandise it will allow sellers and vendors to send into its warehouses because Amazon’s fulfillment services (FBA) has reached...

“This Crisis Is Different: the Coronavirus Is a Social Disease Which We Need to Tackle as a Community”

In an extensive interview, former Governor of the Reserve Bank of India and Chicago Booth professor Raghuram Rajan discusses the pandemic's impact on financial...

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