The Role of the State

Are “Pay for Delay” Settlements in Patent Litigation Collusive?

A new study suggests that “pay for delay” settlements–in which generic drug manufacturers that challenge the patents of branded drug firms agree to drop...

What Role for Antitrust in the Era of Rising Inequality? The Importance of Power in Supply Chains

Concentration of power in supply chains is a prime mechanism by which dominant companies consolidate power and profits. The Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890 was...

“Why Argue With the Government When You Can Buy the Government?”: Q&A with Gary Reback

In an interview with ProMarket, antitrust lawyer Gary Reback elaborated on the difference between antitrust enforcement in the U.S. and Europe, the influence the U.S. Supreme...

Market Power and Inequality: How Big Should Antitrust’s Role Be in Reducing Inequality?

Is the rise of wealth inequality in the United States related to a decline in competition? A new paper answers in the affirmative. Is the...

Is More Antitrust the Answer to Rising Wealth Inequality?

University of Michigan professor Daniel Crane: “The story that somehow antitrust law is dead, that it’s been killed, is wrong. It hasn’t. It’s very...

Horizontal Shareholding, Antitrust, Growth and Inequality

Harvard Law School professor Einer Elhauge goes back to the days of Thurman Arnold, the head of the antitrust division in the FDR administration,...

Intergenerational Mobility, Guilds and Income in the Very Long Run

New paper compares tax records for family dynasties in Florence in 1427 and 2011, and finds that the top earners of the present day...

How to End Too-Big-To-Fail? At Minneapolis Fed Symposium, Participants Reject Big Bank Breakup

Former Fed chairman Ben Bernanke: "Size is not the only relevant attribute of banks.” Should big banks be broken up in order to ensure the...

“The President’s Executive Order is Pro‑Market and Anti‑Abusive Market Power”

Ten days after the White House issued an executive order and a brief that highlights growing concentration and decreasing competition in the US economy,...

The White House Acknowledges: The U.S. Has a Concentration Problem; President Obama Launches New Pro-Competition Initiative

President Barack Obama issues an executive order that calls on federal government agencies to promote competition within uncompetitive markets. President Barack Obama launched a broad new...

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