Regulatory Capture

Wells Fargo and the Failure of Boards and Regulators

Two new reports concerning the Wells Fargo scandal suggest that the bank's senior management, its board of directors, and the regulators all knew about the bank's...

When We Are Less Interested in the Truth, Capture Thrives

The unprecedented divide between the way that Democrats and Republicans perceive the state of the economy may be linked to two important theories in...

Stigler Center Launches Case Study Series

On Thursday, the Stigler Center will launch the first in a series of business case studies that focus on the many ways special interest...

I Was a Whistleblower. The Fed Is Not Doing Enough to Fix Wall Street’s Culture of Fear

Deutsche Bank whistleblower Eric Ben-Artzi, who publicly rejected a multimillion dollar award from the Securities and Exchange Commission this summer, writes about the failure...

Uber, the Mayor’s Private Email, and the Underground Lobbying Complex

The recent revelations regarding the interactions between Chicago mayor Rahm Emanuel and former Uber executive and Obama adviser David Plouffe suggest that the real action in...

Executive Orders, Judicial Orders, and the Rule of Law

What does President Trump’s executive order on immigration and its aftermath mean for the rule of law? What does President Trump’s executive order on immigration—and...

Could the Fed Have Rescued Lehman Brothers? Q&A with Laurence Ball

A new study argues that the Federal Reserve could have saved Lehman Brothers from bankruptcy, but chose not to, partly because of political pressures.  Eight-and-a-half years ago,...

Revolving Doors in the Private Sector: Quid Pro Quo or Efficient Market Mechanism?

A new paper by Elisabeth Kempf from the University of Chicago looks into the performance of credit analysts who left to work for investment...

Could Blockchain Technology Alter the Balance of Power Within the Financial System? Q&A with David Yermack

"Blockchain technology is threatening to remake the financial system from the top down in a way that threatens the existence of all the banks,...

Managing Political Risk

A recent working paper suggests that firms react to political risk, both passively by cutting investment and employment, and actively by ramping up lobbying efforts. From Trump...

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