A political movement in the U.S. is encouraging municipalities and states to adopt ranked choice voting as a supposedly more representative voting method. In...
Adopting a deferred pay scheme for bank managers would provide them with needed funding during a downturn and would incentivize more conservativism when it comes to risk-taking.
Many scholars and policymakers have suggested regulating firms’ ability to price discriminate between consumers when they operate in a market prone to inactive users,...
A new empirical study examines whether advancements in automation and robotics have affected intergenerational income mobility. The authors find that parents’ exposure to new...
Democratic elections suffer from several shortcomings, including low voter turnout and the effects of inaccurate polling. Sergiu Hart suggests adopting a simple repeat voting...
A new empirical paper estimates the scope and impact of common ownership in fintech markets. The authors find limited common ownership among private fintech...
Following up their recent analysis of risk in the banking system, DeMarzo, Jiang, Krishnamurthy, Matvos, Piskorski and Seru argue that banks should be required...