
What Saved American Democracy from Donald Trump?

Despite President Donald Trump's attempts to undermine it, the American democracy seems to have survived. We now need to analyze more closely the principles...

The Silent Coup

President Donald Trump's seditious actions are exposing the political power that Twitter, Amazon, Google, Apple, and Facebook enjoy. Banning him from their platforms sets...

We Must Stop Applying Economic Standards to Political Leadership

Joseph Schumpeter, ironically remembered for glorifying the entrepreneur’s penchant for creative destruction and innovation, actually warned against exalting entrepreneurs as the redeemers of inefficient political...

Income-Driven Repayment Provides a Way to Offer Student Loan Forgiveness to Those Who Need It the Most

Direct loan cancellation is not the only policy option to lower student debt. If policymakers want more targeted loan forgiveness, aimed at lower income individuals, there...

Little Law and No New Regulator: What’s Missing in the House Antitrust Report

The House Antitrust report spans 449 pages, 30 of which contain recommendations for antitrust reform. However, one of the most telling aspects of the...

The Death of Hong Kong’s Rule of Law

Hong Kong's rule of law has suffered a fatal blow. With the national security law, the authoritarian regime has all that it needs to...

eBook: Milton Friedman 50 Years Later, a Reevaluation

Over the past couple of months, ProMarket has hosted a lively debate on whether Milton Friedman was right or wrong when he wrote that...

Bethany McLean’s Weekend Reading List: Wirecard, Women in the Workplace, and Social Safety Nets

Corruption, lobbying, corporate malfeasance, and frauds: a weekly unconventional selection of must-read articles by investigative journalist Bethany McLean.  We tend to think progress on social issues...

Beijing’s Erosion of Hong Kong’s Freedoms Has Been in the Works for Years

The wilting of civil and political freedoms in Hong Kong took a dramatic downturn since July after Beijing imposed its national security law. While...

Friedman’s Legacy: From Doctrine to Theorem

Friedman was more right than his detractors claim and more wrong than his supporters would like us to believe. However, after 50 years of...

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