
Structuring a Structural Presumption for Merger Review

The consumer welfare standard can’t be saved with more theory. The problem is how it works in practice, and solving that means changing the...

Race and the Consumer Welfare Standard

The consumer welfare standard employs a collective consumer in its model when evaluating possibly anticompetitive behavior. This aggregated approach fails to recognize that such...

Today’s Tax Code Empowers Monopolistic Corporations. It Has Been and Can Be Different

Niko Lusiani and Susan Holmberg write that the United States should tax profitable corporations not just to raise revenue and redistribute unequal gains but...

The Effective Competitive Constraint Standard

The consumer welfare standard, which broadly considers higher output and lower prices as its primary goals, is not well equipped to monitor the numerous...

Locating Competitive Process Claims in the Consumer Welfare Debate

Debates about the consumer welfare standard have failed to produce a consensus around either its scope or an alternative standard. Regardless of the outcome...

The Life of Antitrust’s Consumer Welfare Model

“Consumer welfare” as an objective of antitrust law and regulation has its origins in several vague and even conflicting ideas of how to evaluate...

Corporate Political Responsibility in a Captured Economy

Most attention on corporate governance has focused on businesses’ social responsibility. Claudine Schneider and Ed Dolan write that businesses need to take into account...

Meta-Within Should Be Viewed in the Context of Meta’s Broader Efforts To Monopolize Social Networking

A California court recently denied the FTC’s motion to block the Meta-Within merger. Brandon Nye writes that the FTC could have expanded its argument...

Data, Context and Competition Policy

Data has a tendency to be misunderstood. It is often compared to a raw material like oil, waste, or capital. Elettra Bietti argues that...

A Directorship at a Federal Reserve Bank is Good News for Banks, but May be Bad News for the Fed

Far before the collapse of SVB, I provided systematic evidence that banks appear to benefit from their directorships on Federal Reserve Banks. The fact...

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