Stefano Feltri

Stefano Feltri works as a communication advisor for the Institute for European Policymaking at Bocconi University, in Milan and ProMarket's former Senior Editor. He previously worked at two major Italian newspapers, Il Fatto Quotidiano, and Domani. He is a columnist for MF-Milano Finanza, Internazionale, Vanity Fair Italia, and a host of the radio show, Le Parole dell'economia. He also runs a Substack newsletter, Appunti.  Stefano has an MBA from the University of Chicago - Booth School of Business.

Why Coronavirus Triggered the First Global Supply-Chain Crisis

The only reason why there is no shortage of goods in American markets is that the epidemic outbreak was close to the Chinese New...

The World Bank's "Papergate": Censorship Is Not the Best Way to Stop Development Aid From Fueling Corruption

A new study of World Bank data finds that aid disbursement to highly aid-dependent countries coincides with sharp increases in bank deposits in offshore...

The Only Regulation Mark Zuckerberg Likes Is No Regulation

In an op-ed and a white paper, Facebook's CEO argues that "private companies should not make so many decisions alone when they touch on...

Data-Driven Ideology: The Problem With Economists' Takeover of Policymaking

According to New York Times journalist Binyamin Appelbaum's recent book The Economists' Hour, economics is not the unbiased science that it pretends to be, but...

The Epstein Report: How a Convicted Criminal Could Use MIT to Whitewash His Reputation

The only reason why a pedophile's donations did not violate any MIT policy is that MIT does not have any policy to prevent embarrassing...

Should We Let Facebook Decide the Next President of the United States?

Facebook admitted that only a binding regulation on political ads could prevent private corporations from influencing the outcome of US presidential elections. Without such...

Western Multinationals Can Improve Workers' Safety, If They Want to: The Case of Bangladesh

In 2013, one of the largest factories in Bangladesh collapsed, killing 1,134 workers. Many multinationals committed to improving safety standards. A new study shows...

Shareholders at the Gate: The Increasing Pressure on CEOs for More Transparency

The average share of votes in favor of proposals that require corporate executives to disclose political and lobbying spending is trending up. But a...

Twitter Refused to Promote the New Capitalisn’t Episode: This Is a Problem for Free Speech (and for American Health Care)

Twitter banned political ads from its platform but has full discretion in deciding what constitutes a "political ad." The Stigler Center tried to promote...

Why Michael Bloomberg’s Run for President Creates an Unprecedented Media Problem

The first effect of Michael Bloomberg’s campaign and of his conflicts of interest is to reduce the 2020 candidates’ accountability: one of the world's...

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