
Earnings Inequality: The Implications of the Rapidly Rising Cost of Employer-Provided Health Insurance

The problem of rising healthcare costs cannot be fixed by the current prescription of redistributive policies. Policymakers must redirect their focus. Concern about income inequality...

Is China Succeeding in the War Against Corruption? Q&A with Bernard Yeung

In the past four years, China has been waging the biggest anticorruption campaign in its modern history. Is it working?  In the past four years, the...

It Takes a Village to Maintain a Dangerous Financial System: Q&A with Anat Admati

Stanford professor Anat Admati discusses her new paper, in which she explains how a mix of distorted incentives, ignorance, confusion, and lack of accountability contributes to...

Capture and Ignorance in Financial Regulation

The most fruitful avenue for reducing regulatory capture is to impose more checks-and-balances on our agencies, reversing recent trends toward expediency. After spending some years...

Is the Digital Economy Much Less Competitive Than We Think It Is?

Maurice E. Stucke from the University of Tennessee Knoxville and Ariel Ezrachi of Oxford University explain how big data and artificial intelligence can be...

American Antitrust Is Having a Moment: Some Reactions to Commissioner Ohlhausen’s Recent Views

Contrary to what Federal Trade Commissioner Maureen Ohlhausen says, there is in fact no meaningful proof that consolidation generates social benefits. Editor's note: In...

Certificate of Need Laws Show Entry Barriers Can Raise Spending

In most states, health care providers who seek to open a new hospital must obtain a “certificate of need” (CON) from a state board certifying...

SEC and Revolving Doors: Q&A with Eric Ben-Artzi, the Deutsche Bank Whistleblower Who Rejected a Multimillion Dollar Award

ProMarket interviews Eric Ben-Artzi, the former Deutsche Bank risk officer turned whistleblower who rejected an $8.25 million award from the SEC.  In May 2015, Deutsche Bank...

Combatting External and Internal Regulatory Capture

External and internal capture may be reduced through a more logical division of labor between Congress and agencies. In these hyper-partisan times, one is hard-pressed...

Regulators as Validators

Special interest groups can use their influence over regulation to water down not just potential legal sanctions but also potential reputational sanctions. What deters corporate...