
Debt Monetization and Lessons from War Financing to Deal With Pandemics: A Webinar With Harold James

Princeton professors Markus Brunnermeier and historian Harold James discuss how much new debt governments will pile up in reaction to the Covid-19 economic fallout....

Back to Work? The Political Preparation for “Phase 2” of the Pandemic Is a Matter of Trust

According to a special wave of the Booth/Kellogg Financial Trust Index, Americans have bought into social distancing rules. However, most of the respondents are...

Financial Trust Index, Covid-Edition: The CDC Is the Most Trusted Institution in America

A special wave of the Booth/Kellogg Financial Trust Index shows a high level of compliance with social distancing guidelines and stay-at-home orders. Approximately 45...

Global Supply Chain Disruptions: A Webinar With Penny Goldberg, Former Chief Economist of the World Bank

Princeton professor Markus Brunnermeier and Yale professor Penny Goldberg, former chief economist of the World Bank, discuss the impact of Covid-19 on international trade and...

Covid Economics: During 1918 Influenza, Severe Social Distancing Reduced Negative Impacts on American Economy

ProMarket reviews the most recent and interesting academic papers on the ongoing pandemic: Sergio Correia, Stephan Luck, and Emil Verner studied how US cities and...

The Fight Against Coronavirus: What the US Can Learn from Italian Hospitals on How to Prevent a Disaster

In a Facebook post that has since become viral, Italian doctor Daniele Macchini offered a first-hand testimony from the Lombardy region, the epicenter of...

A New Capitalisn’t Episode: a Coronavirus Reading List

In this episode, Kate and Luigi give an economist's view of the coronavirus outbreak: How should we think about the economic trade-offs of interventionist...

Paul Krugman on the Economic Impact of Coronavirus: “We Are Very Vulnerable, This Could Be Pretty Bad”

A sneak video preview of next week's episode of Capitalisn't, the podcast hosted by Luigi Zingales and Kate Waldock, in which Nobel Prize-winning economist...

Paul Krugman on the Economic Impact of Coronavirus: "We Are Very Vulnerable, This Could Be Pretty Bad"

A sneak video preview of next week's episode of Capitalisn't, the podcast hosted by Luigi Zingales and Kate Waldock, in which Nobel Prize-winning economist...