big tech

How to Tame the Tech Giants: Reverse the Burden of Proof in Merger Reviews

Most tech acquisitions are approved without a hitch, despite growing evidence that they bring little benefit, because regulators are waging an uphill battle to...

The Digital Society: “We Live in a World Obsessed With Cost Cutting”

In an interview about his new book, The Inglorious Years, economist Daniel Cohen explores the emergence of the digital society and its never-ending pursuit...

Why Big Tech Companies Should Engage With Academia, and Why They Don’t

“Academic engagement” of a Big Tech firm: that job should exist. But it has not happened, and it probably won’t happen, unless we get...

Chinese Antitrust 2.0: Why Is China Going After Its Big Tech?

In an interview with ProMarket, Angela Huyue Zhang, author of a new book Chinese Antitrust Exceptionalism, discusses the motivations behind the recent antitrust investigations...

What the US Economy Could Look Like if Digital Markets Were Open and Competitive

The US House of Representatives' investigation into digital platforms has opened Americans' eyes to the widespread harms that flow from the illegal monopolization of...

Four Key Takeaways from Thursday’s Antitrust Subcommittee Hearing

Held just before the House’s antitrust subcommittee is expected to release its long-anticipated report on digital platforms, Thursday's hearing yielded clues as to which...

Why We Should Be Careful About Google’s Promises in the Fitbit Deal

Google claims its acquisition of Fitbit is not about data, but hardware. This is simply not credible. Data plays a crucial role in the...

When Big Tech Firms Buy Startups, Antitrust Enforcers Should Take Notice

A frequent argument made in favor of allowing Big Tech firms to acquire smaller firms is that permissive merger policy promotes innovative entry. A...

Zoom, Netflix, Slack: Amazon Is Behind All the Services We Use to Work From Home (and That’s a Problem)

The new normal for millions of people represents a near-total dependence on Amazon’s cloud-computing operation, Amazon Web Services (AWS), and places a substantial portion...

"You Can Put the Monopoly Tiger in a Cage but You Cannot Transform a Tiger Into a Vegan"

In an extensive interview with the Swiss news website, Luigi Zingales discusses ways to deal with Big Tech and the impact of the...