French economist Thomas Philippon, author of the recent The Great Reversal, explains how Europe got to be better at free markets than the US and how...
Uber's employees co-authored academic papers with brand name scholars that were then used to back the company's PR and lobbying strategy. Published in respected...
The FTC sued the company that monopolized the market of components for cell phones with its aggressive patent policy. However, in the technological race...
Uber’s narratives reduce everything to emotive battles between good and evil. If Uber’s success is inevitable, and resistance is futile, no one needs to waste...
The indictment against Israel’s prime minister exposes an entire ecosystem of institutionalized corruption, one which has been in place long before Netanyahu came to...
In the first of three interrelated articles, transportation consultant Hubert Horan discusses Uber's "uncompetitive economics." There is no real innovation in the company's business...
The corruption exposed by Israeli antimonopolists has been a key driver of Benjamin Netanyahu's current political woes.
If you pay any attention to the weird...