The Role of the State

On the Economics of the Google Android Case

A general challenge facing competition authorities in the digital era is learning how to apply the traditional tools of competition policy in multi-sided platform...

Can Horizontal Mergers Actually Boost Competition?

Research by Dirk Hackbarth and Bart Taub shows the potential to merge in the future increases competition prior to merging. Hence--in contrast to the...

Would Sen. Warner’s Ambitious Plan to Regulate Social Media Giants “Ruin” the Internet—Or Save it?

Sen. Mark Warner’s proposals to regulate social media platforms are by far the most ambitious to come from Congress. We gathered three experts to...

“If You’re Running an Authoritarian Government, You Love Facebook”

In a wide-ranging interview with ProMarket, media scholar Siva Vaidhyanathan explains why Facebook has become “too big to manage” and why he believes the...

What Current Research (Still) Gets Wrong about Market Power

Two much-discussed new studies argue that market power is on the rise not only in the United States, but also around the world. Here,...

Paul Tucker on Unelected Power: A Technocrat against Technocracy

In a recent review of Paul Tucker’s new book Unelected Power (extracted here for ProMarket), Diane Coyle of the University of Manchester and the...

The European Commission Picks a Fight with Google Android over Business Models

UChicago Law’s Randy Picker puzzles over the rationale behind last week’s multibillion-euro fine on Google by the European Commission. While the decision makes a...

How Might A Justice Kavanaugh Impact Antitrust Jurisprudence?

Throughout his judicial career, the US president’s latest nominee to the Supreme Court, Brett Kavanaugh, has written three antitrust opinions. Here, Stephen Calkins of...

Policy Failure: The Role of “Economics” in AT&T-Time Warner and American Express

The recent AT&T and Amex decisions showcase the pitfalls of considering antitrust cases solely on the basis of economic analysis and may have the...

Ohio v. Amex, Supply Chain Fairness, and the Inadequacy of Antitrust’s Consumer Welfare Standard

SCOTUS Forum. The University of Kentucky's Ramsi Woodcock argues that the problem with the Ohio v. Amex ruling is not that the Supreme Court got the outcome...

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