Monika Schnitzer

Monika Schnitzer is Professor for Economics at the University of Munich. Her current research focus is on competition and innovation. She is coauthor of a series of policy discussion papers for the Digital Economy Project of the Yale Tobin Center for Economic Policy. She is Chairwoman of the Council of Economic Experts for the German Federal Government. Monika has been a visiting professor at Stanford, UC Berkeley, Yale, and Harvard.

What We Learn About the Behavioral Economics of Defaults From the Google Search Monopolization Case

At the heart of the United States Google Search case is the monopolizing effect of Google securing for its own search offering the status of default search engine on a web browser, such as Safari, Chrome, or Firefox. The authors review the behavioral economics and empirical evidence of this effect and suggest several conduct and structural remedies to open up the search market to competition.

How Well Consumers Know Prices Matters for Tax Policy

The effectiveness of tax policy depends on whether sellers pass on changes in tax rates to consumers through changes in price. In new research, Felix Montag, Robin Mamrak, Alina Sagimuldina, and Monika Schnitzer investigate how this tax pass-through in turn depends on how much consumers know about prices. They show that if consumers are not aware of how prices for the same product vary between sellers, then they will be unaffected by tax changes intended to increase or decrease consumption.

How the AT&T Case Can Inform Big Tech Breakups

Breaking up companies that antitrust regulators consider too dominant can be costly and might negatively impact innovation and consumer welfare. As economists and policymakers...

How Europe Can Enforce the Digital Markets Act Effectively 

As the European Commission gets ready to embark on the complicated task of implementing the recently agreed-upon Digital Market Act, which would regulate Big...

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