
What Makes M&A Reporters More Accurate?

A study by Kenneth R. Ahern and Denis Sosyura ranks M&A reporters based on their accuracy. Rumors and speculation have always been a part of...

Is There a Crisis in the Economic Theory of the Firm? Participants at Harvard Business School Conference Agree: Firms Try to Change the Rules...

A novel conference at Harvard Business School brought together top scholars in order to answer the question: Is Milton Friedman’s dictum that firms that...

The True Price of Reduced Competition in Health Care: Hospital Monopolies Drastically Drive Up Prices

New study reveals the potential damage of the merger frenzy that has accelerated in recent years. Since the Affordable Care Act was signed into law,...

Study: Politically Connected Private Equity Firms Hire More, Fire Less in Order to Help Incumbent Politicians

Private equity firms are not often associated with job gains. A new paper by Mara Faccio and Scott Hsu reveals the political dynamics that lead...