
The Real “China Shock”: Political Fallout from Slowing Exports in China

As China’s export growth has slowed down over the past five years, workers have responded by taking to the streets with increasing frequency. The...

The Costs of Trump’s Import Tariffs Have Landed Entirely on US Citizens

US importers and consumers experienced $12.3 billion in added tax costs and another $6.9 billion from unrecoverable reductions in welfare arising from the 2018...

What Comes After Trickle-Down Trade Liberalization?

The United States needs to rethink its trade policy. A new report offers a blueprint, consisting of ten major reforms. US trade policy is at...

Davos Elites Love to Advocate for Equality – So Long As Nothing Gets Done

The return to the industrial relations and tax policies of the early 19th century has been spearheaded by people who speak the language of...

The Malleable Demand for Trade Protection: How Political Campaigns Can Easily Manipulate Public Attitudes Toward Public Policy

Where does today’s anti-trade sentiment come from? A new study finds that people are particularly sensitive to job losses and outsourcing due to international...

The Inequality Paradox: Rising Inequalities Nationally, Diminishing Inequality Worldwide

Workers in emerging economies benefitted from globalization and workers in rich countries, on balance, did not. Overturning globalization, however, will neither work nor bring...

Obesity and Globalization: Evidence from Mexico

Has Mexico imported its obesity epidemic from the United States? A new study suggests that the answer to this question is "yes." The obesity epidemic...

Does Sweden’s Radical Right Reflect Too Much Social Inclusivity, Or Too Little?

Many have attributed the success of the far-right Sweden Democrats to Sweden's open immigration policy. Instead, a new study shows that income inequality and...

How to Even Out the Pains and Gains from International Trade

The idea of creating transfer schemes to compensate the losers from international trade yet still preserve some of the gains faces a myriad of...

Marx and Modern Microeconomics

Few economists doubt that Marx flunked economics, a judgement mostly based on his labor theory of value. But this column argues that Marx’s representation...