Felix Montag

Felix Montag is an assistant professor of economics at the New York University Stern School of Business and an affiliate fellow at the George J. Stigler Center for the Study of the Economy and the State at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business. He previously taught at Dartmouth College. He studies how firms with market power react to competition policy, trade policy, and taxes.

When Does Mandatory Price Disclosure Lower Prices?

In new research, Felix Montag, Alina Sagimuldina, and Christoph Winter study the impact of mandatory price disclosure (MPD) for sellers in the German retail fuel market to determine under what market conditions MPD can reduce prices for consumers.

How Well Consumers Know Prices Matters for Tax Policy

The effectiveness of tax policy depends on whether sellers pass on changes in tax rates to consumers through changes in price. In new research, Felix Montag, Robin Mamrak, Alina Sagimuldina, and Monika Schnitzer investigate how this tax pass-through in turn depends on how much consumers know about prices. They show that if consumers are not aware of how prices for the same product vary between sellers, then they will be unaffected by tax changes intended to increase or decrease consumption.

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