
Short Selling and the Regional Bank Crisis

Capital markets are central to capitalism and the functioning of the US economy. Yet, short-selling, an integral part of price discovery in capital markets, has been blamed as a contributor to the recent banking crisis. Lawmakers and interest groups have labeled short sellers opportunists who prey on small investors and the public without justification. The authors shed light on this debate and question the merit of the allegations.


Lee Hepner and William J. McGee respond to Clifford Winston’s ProMarket piece asserting that further deregulation of the airline industry would resolve problems in the industry. Instead, the authors claim a return to regulation would produce better results for travelers.

Economists Are Still Right About Airline Deregulation!

Would increasing regulation of the U.S. airline industry resolve the issues that Americans have heard about and experienced in the past few months? Clifford...

Should We Regulate the Revolving Door of Regulators?

Is the revolving door of top regulators one of the reasons for a lack of good regulation? Based on her recent research, Elise Brezis...

Electricity Markets Must Liberalize if We Are To Decarbonize Energy

In new research, Matteo Romagnoli argues that for the electricity sector to decarbonize as part of the broader green transition, regulators must liberalize markets...

How Do We Avoid the Next SVB?

Anil Kashyap explains why the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank are the result of the failure of the Dodd-Frank Act to...

Economics Must Catch Up On Industrial Policy

Industrial policy was once so out of fashion that it was jokingly called “the policy that shall not be named.” Now it’s back in...

For the FDA, Fewer Regulations Can Create Safer Products

The US Food and Drug Administration is tasked with protecting consumers from unsafe food and medical products. In new research, Parker Rogers finds that...

How Should the Law Tackle Rapidly Evolving Financial Technologies?

The last half-century has witnessed an explosion of technology changing how the financial landscape functions for customers and new and legacy banking providers alike....

International Policymaking Must Evolve

In this Q&A about his new book for ProMarket, Paul Tucker explains the changing global order and the need for academics, policymakers and the...