
Decades of Regulatory Exemptions Have Been to the Detriment of the Municipal Bond Market

Two municipal market veterans, David Dubrow and Kent Hiteshew, delve into the history and current state of disclosure practices in the municipal bond market, highlighting the flaws in the current system. In a follow up, the authors will explore potential paths to reform and key components of a uniform standard of disclosure for municipal securities.

Call for papers: Stigler Center 2025 Antitrust Conference

The Stigler Center is inviting submissions of short academic pieces (up to 2000 words) focused on how economic concentration can impact the marketplace of ideas. The authors of the best submissions will have their work published on ProMarket and will be invited to discuss their ideas at the Stigler Center’s 2025 Antitrust and Competition Conference, which will take place in Chicago on April 10-11, 2025.

Reclaiming Corporate Democracy

The following is an excerpt from Sarah C. Haan’s book, “Reclaiming Corporate Democracy.”

Democracy and Economic Growth: New Evidence

Democracy sees higher GDP due to greater civil liberties, economic reform, increased investment and government capacity, and reduced social conflict. This post originally appeared...

Does Domestic Competition Help EU Firms Compete Abroad?

In a survey of nearly 400 European firms that export abroad, Elena Argentesi, Livia De Simone, Stephan Paetz, Vincenzo Scrutinio find that most firms believe that competition forces them to produce cheaper and higher quality products and services, allowing them to be more competitive in foreign markets.

How Tech Giants Make History

Richard R. John recounts how in the twentieth century the once-mighty Bell System, whose descendants include today’s Verizon and AT&T, waged a powerful decades-long public relations campaign, including the funding of history books and research centers, to persuade the public that its success rested in technological imperatives and economic incentives rather than a favorable regulatory landscape. Though the Bell PR campaign failed to stop three highly effective antitrust suits, it succeeded in establishing a story about management, competition, and innovation that many Americans—including several of today’s Big Tech critics—have uncritically repeated.

Adopting Credit-Sensitive Rates Could Pose Great Risks to Financial Markets

The financial market has moved from LIBOR to alternative interest-rate benchmarks, such as SOFR. Credit-sensitive rates, which are now becoming increasingly popular, carry greater risks than SOFR and other “risk-free rates” and must be used with great care. If not, United States legislators might need to step in to further stimulate the use of safter benchmark alternatives, writes Randy Priem.

How Cultural Norms Help Companies Exploit Unpaid Workers

Eric Posner examines how businesses exploit cultural expectations to frame certain activities as non-work, creating a form of monopsony power that allows them to extract labor without compensation in areas ranging from college athletics to digital content creation. He argues that properly classifying these "invisible" forms of work as compensable labor would benefit society, challenging anti-commodification concerns and highlighting the law's struggle to define work in these blurred contexts.

How Geopolitical Barriers Distort International Investment

Bruno Pellegrino introduces a novel model developed with Enrico Spolaore and Romain Wacziarg that explains the lack of international investment in some countries despite their promise of higher returns. The study finds that removing certain barriers to international capital flows could boost global GDP by 7% and significantly reduce cross-country inequality.

Draghi’s New Competition Tool Promises To Revamp Competition, but Comes With Challenges

Alessia D’Amico and Inge Graef discuss Mario Draghi’s proposal for a New Competition Tool to revamp competition in the European Union. They write the European Commission must think hard about its design to achieve the right balance.

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