Neel Guha

Neel Guha is a fourth year JD-PhD student in computer science at Stanford University. His work explores the application of machine learning tools to legal questions, as well as the law and policy implications of AI. He holds an MS in Machine Learning from Carnegie Mellon University (‘19) and a BS (with Honors) in Computer Science from Stanford University (‘18).

State-Level Private Enforcement Is Much More Complicated Than Previously Thought

Most of the scholarship on private enforcement, in which individual citizens sue to enforce legal statutes, has focused on federal-level laws. In new research, Diego A. Zambrano, Neel Guha, Austin Peters, and Jeffrey Xia show how expansive and messy state-level private enforcement statutes are, and explain why previous theories on private enforcement do not explain the dynamic among the states. They conclude that research on state-level private enforcement demands much more attention than previously provided.

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