Ingrid M. Werner

Ingrid M. Werner is the Martin and Andrew Murrer Professor of Finance at Ohio State University’s Fisher College of Business. She has published both theoretical and empirical research on international finance, asset pricing, and market microstructure. She is a past president of the European Finance Association and the Western Finance Association and a former director of the American Finance Association. She is a current CEPR research fellow. She serves on the prize committee for the Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel and is a member of the Swedish Royal Academy of Sciences. She chairs the scientific advisory board of the Swedish House of Finance and serves on the scientific advisory boards of the Danish Finance Institute, the Leibnitz Institute for Financial Research SAFE, and the Swiss Finance Institute. She is an independent director of Dimensional Funds and the Fourth Swedish National Pension Fund, and she chairs the FINRA Economic Advisory Committee. Werner received her Ph.D. in Economics in 1990 from the University of Rochester and an honorary doctorate in economics in 2013 from Stockholm School of Economics.

Is Social Science Research Politically Biased?

In new research, Matthew C. Ringgenberg, Chong Shu, and Ingrid M. Werner ask if academic research exhibits political slants. They develop a new measure of the political slant of research and study how it varies by discipline, demographics, and the political party of the sitting United States president. Finally, they show that their measure is related to the researchers' personal political ideology, suggestive of an ideological echo chamber in social science research.

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