David Dinielli

David Carter Dinielli is a Visiting Clinical Lecturer in Law at the Yale Law School and a Senior Policy Fellow at Yale’s Tobin Center for Economic Policy. At the Tobin Center, he works to develop antitrust and competition frameworks to address concentrated power in digital markets. At the law school, he teaches a clinical program that develops and deploys legal strategies to combat the diffuse social, societal, public health and other harms concentrated digital power enables. Prior to undertaking this work, Mr. Dinielli served for nearly seven years as Deputy Legal Director at the Southern Poverty Law Center, in Montgomery, Alabama, where he oversaw the Center’s anti-hate and extremism litigation as well as its LGBTQ rights work. For seventeen years prior to that, he was an associate, then partner, with Munger, Tolles & Olson, LLP, a national firm based in Los Angeles, where his practice focused on antitrust litigation and LGBTQ rights. Mr. Dinielli also served as Special Counsel to the Antitust Division of the U.S. Department of Justice, working with the the team that successfully challenged the merger of AT&T and T-Mobile.

Antitrust Enforcers Must Act Now To Ensure the Google Search Case Delivers on Its Promise

Fiona Scott Morton and David Dinielli show how landmark antitrust cases historically have cleared the path for innovation in the next “frontier technology.” But with closing arguments in the search monopoly case just days away, Google threatens to evade this round of rigorous new competition. It reportedly is in talks to place its own artificial intelligence tool on Apple devices as it did in the case of search. Such a maneuver would entrench Google’s search monopoly and place Google in the driver’s seat to steer the development of consumer-facing AI. The authors offer up a menu of steps the government might take now to thwart Google’s new anticompetitive strategy and preserve competition in AI before it’s too late.

Why Congress Should Pass the American Innovation and Choice Online Act

The bill, which is the Senate is expected to vote on soon, would improve competition, increase innovation, benefit consumers, and provide the US with...

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